7.2. The Tutorial

You may want to read Core Features listing to grasp an idea of room booking module capabilities. To summarize, it is for booking conference rooms.

7.2.1. Getting into Room Booking Module

To use Indico::CRBS directly, just click 'Room Booking' on Indico home page. To book rooms for your event, go to the event management page and click 'Room Booking' tab. In both cases you will be asked to sign in. Use your Indico credentials.

7.2.2. The First Page

Room Booking Module first page depends on who is logged in. For most people, it will show list of their bookings. 'Your bookings' menu option will give you the same list. Room managers will see bookings of rooms they manage, so they can quickly see what's going on. If you are room manager, use 'Users bookings' menu option to show this page again. (This menu option is not visible for ordinary users).

7.2.3. The Most Important Tip

Feeling lost? Point at question mark icon with your mouse to see context help. Context help is meant to answer most of your questions along the way. It is always there waiting for you.

7.2.4. Room Names

If room does not have a name, the default one is built according to the following pattern:

"location: building-floor-room"

Examples: "CERN: 304-1-001", "Sheraton: 0-34-013".

7.2.5. Three Kinds of Rooms

There are three kinds of rooms. They determine how much freedom users have.

7.2.6. Six Types of Bookings

There are six types of bookings. They allow you to define different types of recurring reservations. Common example is weekly meeting (which takes place the same time every week). You can choose from:

7.2.7. Booking a Room

Basically there are two steps: selecting a room and filling a booking form. More detailed steps are:

Note: some rooms require confirmation. These rooms often appear in orange color. In this case, you cannot directly book them. You can only 'PRE-book' such room. PRE-booking works exactly the same way as booking. The only difference is that you must wait for acceptance from room manager.

Note: you can always modify your booking (or PRE-booking). It will be again checked for conflicts.

Note: you can always browse your own bookings and PRE-bookings using menu options 'Your bookings' and 'Your PRE-bookings'.