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conference PHENIX spin physics workshop   from Thursday 16 September 2010 (08:00)
to Friday 17 September 2010 (18:00) (Asia/Seoul)
at SNU ( 23-417 )

Thursday 16 September 2010 toptop
09:00 Theory/phenomenology Overview (50') (files Slides ppt file  ) Hiroyuki Kawamura (KEK)
09:50 Single SpinAsymmetries in Hadron Physics (50') Dae Sung Hwang (Sejong University)
11:00 RHIC Transverse Spin Program (40') Kiyoshi Tanida (Seoul Univ.)
11:40 W measurement at RHIC (40') (files Slides ppt file  ) Naohito Saito (KEK)
13:30 High Momentum Trigger FEE (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Itaru Nakagawa (RIKEN)
14:00 Resistive Plate Chamber Overview (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Kyong Sei Lee (Korea Univ.)
14:30 ResistivePlate Chamber Production and Perfromrance (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Chong (Korea Univ.)
15:20 W simulation and problems to be overcame (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Ralf Seidl (RIKEN)
15:50 Improving Performance of Muon Arm (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Yoshimitsu Imazu (RIKEN)
16:20 SPIN Physics at RHIC in the future (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Yuji Goto (RIKEN)

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