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conference International Workshop on Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics   from Monday 22 February 2010 (08:00)
to Wednesday 24 February 2010 (22:00) (Asia/Seoul)
at YongPyung Resort, Kangwon-do, Korea
files Agenda;  files Official Workshop Page 

Monday 22 February 2010 toptop

09:00->12:00    Plenary session 1
09:00 CP violation and B-physics (40') (files Slides ppt file  ) Jin Li(Hawaii U.)
09:40 Gamma Ray Burst Physics (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) C.-H. Lee (Pusan National U.)
10:10 Ultra Fast Flash Observatory(UFFO) (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) H. Lim(Ewha/IEU)
Coffee break
11:00 Experimental Approach to Explosive Phenomena in the Universe with RI beams (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) S. Kubono(Tokyo U.)
11:30 MEMS Ancilla Science? (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) K.H. Nam (Ewha/RCMST)
Afternoon break

19:00->22:00    Parallel session 2 - Q2C group
19:00 Non-mesonic weak decay of hypernuclei -- Experiments at KEK-PS and J-PARC (30') H. Outa (RIKEN)
19:30 Trigger rate and Simulation study of the weak decay experiment E18 of J-PARC (20') (files Slides ppt file  ) M. J. Kim (SNU)
19:50 Development of silicon microstrip detector for high intensity beams (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) H. Asano (Kyoto U.)
Coffee break
20:40 Challenges on doubly strange systems at J-PARC. (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) K. Tanida (SNU)
21:10 Production of double hypernuclei via 12C(K-,K+)X reaction (20') Bon-Hyuk Choi (PNU)
21:30 Strangeness in Dense Medium (20') Chang Ho Hyun (Sungkyunkwan U.)

Tuesday 23 February 2010 toptop

09:00->12:00    Plenary session 2
09:00 Observations of Cosmic Near-Infrared Background (40') (files Slides ppt file  ) Toshio Matsumoto (ISAS/JAXA)
09:40 United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (40') (files Slides ppt file  ) Chris Davis (UKIRT/Joint Astronomy Center)
Coffee break
10:40 Hypernuclear physics at J-PARC (40') (files original slide ppt file  ) H. Tamura (Tohoku U.)
11:20 Study of nuclear matrix elements of two-neutrino double-beta decay by (p,n) and (n,p) reactions (40') (files Slides ppt file  ) Kentaro Yako (Tokyo U.)
Afternoon break

19:00->22:00    Parallel session 4 - Q2C group
19:00 Rare B decays (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) YoungJoon Kwon (Yonsei U.)
19:30 D meson decays (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) SooHyung Lee (Korea U.)
20:00 Vud and Vus determinations (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) MyeongJae Lee (SNU)
20:30 CPV of tau lepton (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Soo Ryu (SNU)

Wednesday 24 February 2010 toptop

09:00->12:00    Parallel session 5 - Q2C group
09:00 Spectroscopy of neutron rich nuclei via (p,p’) and (p,n) reactions (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Yoshiteru Sato (Seoul Nat. U)
09:30 14O experiment at RIKEN (30') Aram Kim (Ewha Women’s U)
10:00 24O experiment at RIKEN (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Kyungho Tshoo (Seoul Nat. U)
Afternoon break

19:00->22:00    Parallel session 6 - Q2C group
19:00 Neutralino dark matter in light of the latest results from CDMSII and DAMA/LIBRA (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Sefano Scopel(SNU)
19:30 Status of RENO (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Youngduk Kim (Sejong)
20:00 Status of KIMS (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Seungcheon Kim (SNU)
20:30 Characterization of 40Ca100MoO4 crystal for DBD search (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Joongho So(KNU)
21:00 Test of CaMoO4 at liquid N temperature (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Woonku Kang(Sejong)
21:30 Development of cryogenic CaMoO4 detector (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Sangjoon Lee(SNU)

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