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conference China-Korea Workshop on Dark Matter Search and Double Beta Decay Workshop   from Wednesday 21 September 2011 (08:00)
to Friday 23 September 2011 (18:00) (Asia/Seoul)
at YangYang Power plants Visitor Center, Yangyang

Thursday 22 September 2011 toptop

09:00->10:40    Session1 (Convener: Sunkee Kim (SNU) )
09:00 Welcome Address (10') (files Slides ppt file  ) Sunkee Kim (SNU)
09:10 The recent status of CDEX and CJPL (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Jin Li (Tsinghua University)
09:40 Overview of KIMS (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Seongsook Myung (SNU)
10:10 Status of AmoRe (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Hongjoo Kim (Kyungpook National U)
Coffee break

11:00->12:30    Session2 (Convener: Jin Li (Tsinghua University) )
11:00 The recent status of PandaX (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Xiang Liu (Shanghai JiaoTong U)
11:30 KIMS result on iDM model (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Seungcheon Kim (SNU)
12:00 KIMS result on Annual Modulation (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Jung Hoon Choi (SNU)
Lunch break

14:00->15:20    Session3 (Convener: Xiang Liu (Shanghai JiaoTong U) )
14:00 Low Background facility in CJPL (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Hao Ma (Tsinghua U)
14:30 KIMS background (20') (files Slides ppt file  ) Lee Jaekeum (SNU)
14:50 KIMS MUD performance and muon analysis (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Li Xiurong (SNU)
Coffee break

15:40->17:30    Session4 (Convener: Hongjoo Kim (Kyungpook National U) )
15:40 Neutron flux measurement in CJPL (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Zhu Jingjun (Sichuan U)
16:10 The measurement of thermal neutron flux in CJPL (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Huang Tuchen (Tsinghua U)
16:40 The simulation of large neutron detector (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Xing Haoyang (Sichuan U)
17:10 Discussion (20')

Friday 23 September 2011 toptop

09:00->10:30    Session5 (Convener: Li Jin (SNU) )
09:00 Status and Highlight at KSNL (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Lin Shin-Ted (Academia Sinica)
09:30 Status of RENO (or Sterile Neutrinos at Hanaro) (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) Kim Youngduk (Sejong U)
10:00 Relic neutrinos with inverse beta decay (30') (files Slides pdf file  ) Lee Jeong Yeon (Sejong U)
Coffee break

10:50->12:00    Session6 (Convener: Zhu Jingjun (Sichuan U) )
10:50 Quenching and Channeling of CsI(Tl) crystals (25') (files Slides ppt file  ) Lee Juhee (SNU)
11:15 New HPGe detector at Y2L (25') Kang Woongu (Sejong U)
11:40 Growth and characterization of SrMoO4 crystal for DBD (20') (files Slides  ) Jiang Hwa (Kyungpook National U)
Lunch break

14:00->15:15    Session7 (Convener: Lin Shin-Ted (AS) )
14:00 Status of 100Mo based 0n DBD search at Y2L (25') (files Slides ppt file  ) So Jungho (Kyungpook National U)
14:25 A simulation study on DBD search with pilot setup (25') (files Slides ppt file  ) Jeongil Jeongil (SNU)
14:50 Development of cryogenic detector with CaMoO4 (25') (files Slides ppt file  ) Lee Sangjun (SNU)

15:15->17:30    Session8 (Convener: Olsen Stephen L. (SNU) )
15:15 Summary (15') (files Slides ppt file  ) Sunkee Kim (SNU)
15:30 Prospect (10') Jin Li (Tsinghua University)

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