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conference Mini-workshop on GBAR antiproton trap   Tuesday 11 October 2016
from 10:00 to 20:00Asia/Seoul
at SNU Building23, Room 317 ( 317 )

Tuesday 11 October 2016 toptop
10:00 Registration (30')
10:30 Opening (10') S.K.Kim (SNU)
10:40 GBAR overview (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) P.Perez (Saclay)
11:20 Antiproton trap of ASAKUSA (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) N.Kuroda (Tokyo)
Lunch break
13:30 Antiproton trap of ALPHA (40') (files Slides pdf file  ) D.P.Van der Werf (Swansea)
14:10 EBIS and ion traps of Rare Isotope Science Project (40') Y.Park (IBS)
Coffee break
15:20 Plan for antiproton trap of GBAR (20') (files Slides pdf file  ) S.K.Kim (SNU)
15:40 Particle-In-Cell simulation of antiproton trap (30') (files Slides ppt file  ) M.Chung (UNIST)
16:10 Superconducting magnet (20') (files Slides  ) Y.Jeung (KRTech)
16:30 Discussion (1h00')

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